Well-differentiated Astrocytoma, Anaplastic Astrocytoma, Glioblastoma
Other Gliomas
Brain Stem
Glioma, Ependymoma, Ganglioneuroma, Juvenile Pilocytic, Mixed Glioma,
Oligodendroglioma, Optic Nerve Glioma
Non Gliomas
Craniopharyngioma, Medulloblastoma, Meningioma, Pineal Tumours, Pituitary
Adenoma, Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumours (PNETs), Schwannoma, Vascular
Other Brain
Related Conditions
CNS Lymphoma,
Meningeal Carcinoma, Neurofibromatosis, Pseudotumour Cerebri, Tuberous
About half of all
primary brain tumours and about one-fifth of all primary spinal cord tumours
are gliomas - grow from glial cells. Within brain gliomas usually occur in the
cerebral hemispheres but may also strike other areas, especially the optic
nerve, the brain stem and the cerebellum (particularly among children). Gliomas
are classified into several groups because there are several different kinds of
glial cells.
The most common
type of glioma and also the most common type of brain tumour. Develop from
star-shaped glial cells (astrocytes) and may occur anywhere in the CNS - brain,
brain stem or spinal cord. Usually surgical treatment, radiation therapy and
sometimes chemotherapy. Tumour grade determines treatment - the degree of
anaplasia (pathology from biopsy). Anaplasia describes characteristic pattern
in which tumour cells grow without form, structure or orientation to one
another. An astrocytoma is assigned a grade - according to its degree of
anaplasia. This reflects its potential for growth. Most rapid growing
astrocytomas have greatest degree of anaplasia, are the most anaplastic and are
the most malignant. Only astrocytomas are referred to by grade - other types of
tumours are not.
Low-grade gliomas
(general term for slow growing astrocytoma) to high-grade (the more rapid
growing anaplastic astrocytoma). Within this are four subgroups according to
increasing degree of anaplasia. Low-grade gliomas include the mildly anaplastic
astrocytoma and the moderately anaplastic astrocytoma. High-grade gliomas
include highly anaplastic astrocytoma and the glioblastoma multiforme. The WHO
grades on a scale of 1-4, from least to most aggressive tumour types. There is
the Kernohan-Sayre system of classification and that of the National Institute
of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. This classifies astrocytomas into three
Well-differentiated astrocytomas
Low-grade (grade
I) astrocytomas. Relatively normal and less malignant than other two grades.
Grow slowly and may sometimes be completely removed by surgery. Can be
life-threatening if they are inaccessible.
Anaplastic astrocytomas
Mid-grade (Grade
II) astrocytomas. May be more rapidly growing than the well-differentiated type
and contain cells with some malignant traits.
Glioblastoma multiforme
High-grade (grade
III) astrocytomas grow rapidly, invade nearby tissue and contain cells that are
very malignant. Among most common and devastating brain tumours that strike adults.
Other Gliomas
Brain Stem Glioma
Accounts for 20%
of childhood tumours (mostly between 3 and 10 years) and just short of 5% adult
tumours. They range from very low-grade astrocytomas (juvenile pilocytic
astrocytoma) to the rapidly anaplastic glioblastoma multiforme. Named by
location at the base of brain rather than cells they contain. Symptoms of this
tumour include nausea, headache, speech or balance abnormalities, difficulty
with swallowing and weakness or numbness of the arms or legs. Symptoms can
develop insidiously and as much as a year can pass before they are recognised.
Can also develop abruptly - relates to more rapidly growing tumours. Not usual
to surgically treat these brain stem gliomas because of vulnerable location.
Tumours in this region are uniformly dangerous but low-grade tumours may have
very long periods of remission.
About 5% of adult
intracranial gliomas and 10% childhood tumours of CNS. Peaks around 5 years of
age and again at 34. About 85% are benign. Develop from cells that line both
the hollow cavities of brain and canal containing spinal cord, but usually
arise from 4th ventricle, situated at lower back portion of brain. May produce
headache, vomiting and obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid. Can cause
hydrocephalus. Ependymomas are generally localised and slow growing low-grade
tumours though some are anaplastic and malignant. Most are not anaplastic. The
anaplastic (malignant) varieties of this tumour (malignant ependymoma and
ependymoblastoma) treated like medulloblastoma but prognosis much less
favourable. Ependymoblastomas in infants and children under 5 may spread
through cerebrospinal fluid. The subependymoma (variant of ependymoma) apt to
rise in the 4th ventricle but may occur in septum pellucidum and the cervical
spinal cord. Usually affects over 40s and more often men than women. The
subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma (giant-cell glioma) typically associated
with tuberous sclerosis but can occur independent of that condition. This
tumour tends to cause obstruction when large (arising in the walls of the
lateral ventricles over the basal ganglia). Sharply defined tumour and
generally benign.
Rarest form of
glioma. Tumours contain both glial cells and mature neurons. Relatively slow
growing and may occur in brain or spinal cord. Usually surgically treated.
Juvenile Pilocytic
JPA (Juvenile
Pilocytic Astrocytoma) common childhood tumour sometimes in adults. Can arise
in any area of brain but mostly in cerebellum and is surrounded by capsule-like
cyst. Headache, nausea, vomiting, ataxia (muscle co-ordination) are symptoms.
Low-grade glioma. Very slow growing often surgical cure. JPA in optic chiasm
(for example) impossible to remove totally because of location.
Mixed Glioma
Composed of two
or more types of glioma tumour cells. Usually astrocytes and other glial cell
types. Mixed tumour composed of oligodendroglioma and anaplastic astrocytoma
treated as a pure anaplastic astrocytoma. Treatment is for the most malignant
tumour cell found in the mix. If the oligodendroglioma is the more anaplastic
of the two cell types, treatment directed towards that component. Prognosis of
mixed gliomas decided according to the most anaplastic part of the mixed
Develop from
glial cells called oligodendroglia (about 5% of all gliomas). Mostly young
adults and within the brainÕs cerebral hemispheres. Relatively rare and slow
growing. There is a malignant form of the oligodendroglioma and a mixed
malignant astrocytoma-oligodendroglioma both treated much like the glioblastoma
Optic Nerve Glioma
Found on or near
the nerves that travel between eye and brain vision centres. Common in people
with neurofibromatosis.
Non Gliomas
Common in 20s and
30s and develop from remnants of flexible spine-like structures that form and
dissolve early in foetal development and is later replaced by the spinal cord.
Often slow-growing tumours can metastasise or recur after treatment.
Metastasise - movement of diseased malignant tissue to another area.
Region of optic
nerve and hypothalamus - structure near pituitary gland. Like chordomas develop
from left over cells from early foetal development. Vision and hormonal
problems, slowing child's growth and causing poor regulation of water balance.
Benign craniopharyngioma is a tumour that usually affects infants and children
but sometimes adults. Removed with minimal brain damage (not so 10 years ago)
by microsurgery.
Most common PNET-
primitive neuroectodermal tumour - about 25% of all childhood brain tumours.
More in children than adults. Medulloblastoma most often arises in cerebellum
(lower back part of brain) and causes symptoms of headache, nausea, vomiting
and ataxia. Unlike other primary brain tumours, medulloblastoma has a tendency
to spread outside nervous system if untreated to lymph nodes, bone marrow and
lungs or other parts of body. Fast-growing tumours.
Common brain
tumour originating from meninges, thin membranes or linings that cover the
brain and spinal cord. Although forms in the meninges may extend into the
substance of the brain. Account for 15% of all brain tumours and about 25% of
all primary spinal cord tumours. Affects all ages but most common in 40s.
Usually slow growing and generally do not invade surrounding normal tissue.
Rarely spread to other parts of CNS or body. Most never become malignant. Can
rarely become malignant.
Pineal Tumours
Arise in pineal
gland region (small structure deep in brain). Account for 1% of brain tumours
but make up 3-8% of intracranial child tumours. At least 17 different types of
tumour may occur in this area many of which are benign. Three most common are
gliomas, germ cell tumours and pineal cell tumours. Histological diagnosis
essential from pathology to be exact in planning therapy. Benign pineal tumours
can be removed surgically. The germinoma - most common malignant tumour in this
area - cured in 90% of patients.
Pituitary Adenoma
Pituitary gland
is small oval structure located at brain base in centre of head, behind eyes
and optic nerve. About pea sized but very important. Secretes several chemical
messengers (hormones) to help control body's other glands and regulate growth,
metabolism, maturation and other essential body processes. Tiny tumour located
just next to the gland. These pituitary adenomas account for about 10% of brain
tumours. Two groups. Secreting and non-secreting.
Secreting tumours
release unusually high levels of pituitary hormones triggering a constellation
of symptoms. Usually much smaller than the gland when they begin to cause
symptoms and the symptoms depend on the tumour's size and kind of hormone
secreted. Prolactin-secreting adenomas affect sexual characteristics and cause
impotence in men. Prolactin secreted from cells of anterior lobe and is a
lactogenic hormone in women. It stimulates the developed mammary gland to
secrete milk. Adenomas secreting growth hormone cause acromegaly (abnormal
growth, enlarged facial features, hands and feet) and gigantism (excessive size
and stature).
The less common
adrenocorticotropic hormone-secreting adenoma causes Cushing's disease
(concurrence of obesity, hairiness, linear atrophy of skin, loss of sexual
function and curvature of spine). Some adenomas secrete a combination of these
and other hormones and some secrete none. Almost all adenomas are benign but
slow expansion compresses normal structure that surround it. Suppresses normal
pituitary function sometimes causing headaches or vision problems. Pituitary
adenomas rarely metastasise or spread to other areas of body. Microsurgically
removed very successfully for the majority of patients.
Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumours
These PNETs
usually affect children and young adults. Believed to spring from primitive
cells left over from early development of nervous system. Very malignant and
grow rapidly spreading easily within brain and spinal cord. Rare cases cause
cancer outside CNS. Medulloblastomas most common PNET. More rare are
neuroblastomas, pineoblastomas, medulloepitheliomas, ependymoblastomas and polar
spongioblastomas. These malignant cells often spread in scattered, patchy
pattern - so these PNETs difficult to remove by surgery.
Arise from cells
that form protective sheath around body's nerve fibres. Usually benign and
surgically removed when possible. One of the more common forms of schwannoma
affect 8th cranial (acoustic) nerve important for balance and hearing. Also
known as vestibular schwannomas or acoustic neuromas grow on one or both sides
of brain.
Vascular Tumours
Rare non-cancerous
tumours arise from blood vessels of brain and spinal cord. Most common vascular
tumour is the haemangioblastoma linked in small number of people to a genetic
disorder (von Hippel-Lindau disease). Not usually spread and typically removed
Brain-Related Conditions CNS Lymphoma
Form of cancer
occurring when cells from body's immune system grow out of control. Affects
small number of otherwise healthy people and a larger fraction of those who
have an impaired immune system, whether from organ transplants, infection with
the AIDS virus or other causes. CNS lymphoma can be primary or secondary.
Usually treated with radiation. If lymphoma affects meninges, chemotherapy
directly into cerebrospinal fluid. Often recur.
Meningeal Carcinomatosis
Strikes when
individual cells from cancer outside the CNS enter cerebrospinal fluid and grow
like seeds. Cells travel with fluid and can form colonies or small tumours in
many places, including roots of nerves, surface of brain, brain stem and spinal
cord. Usually radiation therapy which can sometimes slow growth of cells.
Genetic disorder
can cause tumours in various parts of nervous system. Type 2 causes multiple
central nervous system tumours (neurofibromas, bilateral vestibular schwannomas
and increased risk of optic nerve gliomas). Surgical treatment usually to
remove tumours causing symptoms. More common form of this disorder
(neurofibromatosis Type 1) usually benign tumours outside the CNS.
Pseudotumour Cerebri
Condition easily
confused with brain tumour because symptoms closely mimic those of brain
tumours. possibly because of buildup of cerebrospinal fluid placing pressure on
brain. Pseudotumour cerebri is diagnosed by ruling out all other possible
causes for symptoms and confirming by lumbar puncture to release cerebrospinal
fluid, special drugs to correct fluid levels, shunts to drain fluid or, in
severe cases, surgery to relieve pressure on brain.
Tuberous Sclerosis
Genetic disorder
causes numerous neurological and physical symptoms, including tumours of the
kidneys, eyes, and CNS. About half of patients who have tuberous sclerosis
develop subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma.